Five Steps To succeed in your Communication Strategy on Social Networks

Communication Strategy on Social Networks

Do you want to get started on social networks, but you don’t know how to go about it? We explain everything to you!

First of all, let’s start with the basics, what is a social media communication strategy?

Communication Strategy on Social Networks: What Is It?


Communication strategy is a process that allows you to coordinate and plan all communication actions in order to achieve very specific objectives .

By implementing a communication strategy you will have an overall vision of the actions you are going to carry out. The communication strategy will bring you certain benefits, however you will have to make adjustments, reinvent yourself, improve yourself in order to follow market trends and the expectations of your audience.

The success of a communication approach certainly depends on the tool, but not only that…it is your digital strategy that will make the difference.

Organizing your content and publications on social networks, do you dream of it? Don’t panic, you’ve come to the right place!

Why Is Communication Strategy Important?

The communication strategy to meet your objectives.

1. Promote your notoriety and visibility

Your company’s communication strategy will allow you to develop your visibility and notoriety through concrete , adapted and relevant actions .

2. Increase your popularity and unite

Your goal: Create engagement, attractiveness and attachment to your brand in order to have a truly engaged and united community .

Your community will be so well engaged that some people will become ambassadors and recommend you to their loved ones.

3. Take action

By implementing relevant actions and creating a solid community, you will be able to get consumers to act.

Your publications, if they are correctly constructed with attractive visual and qualitative content, will push your audience to act (purchase, subscription, etc.).

We reveal the 5 steps to succeed in your communication strategy every time. Let’s go !

How To Succeed In Your Communication Strategy on Social Networks?

1. Define the objectives of your strategy 

The content marketing strategy, or your editorial strategy, must be your starting point , and you must stick to it in your communication actions. 

Set your communication objectives to outline the guideline that will guide you throughout your strategy.

To help you define your goals for your social media strategy, ask yourself questions. What do you want to achieve? 

  • Do you want to create links with your communities?
  • Do you want to generate sales leads? 
  • Do you want to attract new visitors to your networks and/or website? 
  • Do you want to increase your community’s engagement?
  • Do you want to develop your sales? 

So think about “why” you want to publish and “for whom” you are communicating (personae), which will lead you to the questions “when”, “what” and “where”. 

To help you, talk about it to those around you: to those around you, to your colleagues, or to your customers to gather new ideas.

2. Get to know your target 

Knowing your target is surely the most important advice. By knowing your target, your speech, your words, your content and your creations will be much more appropriate and relevant. 

In order to achieve your previously defined objectives, it is essential to understand, apprehend, and analyze the behavior, needs, and expectations of your target (your audience). 

Knowing it will allow you to implement targeted communication actions, offer coherent content and have a relevant and impactful message.

3. Get inspired by benchmarking 

Now that your goals are set and you know your target, time for inspiration.

Carry out benchmarks of your competitors’ communication strategies, but not only that… Also draw inspiration from what is being done elsewhere in sectors completely different from yours.

Do a competitive benchmark and an inspirational benchmark to gather potential ideas and creative avenues.

The competitive benchmark, to observe and analyze how your main and secondary competitors communicate on their social networks. Look at things that work, including posts that generate community engagement. 

This analysis and research will allow you to understand what works in your field and avoid many mistakes. Look at the following things: 

  • What social networks are they on? Where are they focusing their efforts? 
  • What are their publication themes?
  • How do they address and interact with their community? 
  • What tone do they use? 
  • How often do they post? 

The list of questions is not exhaustive, but by thinking about them and answering them, you will be able to lay the foundations of your communication strategy and generate relevant ideas. 

The inspirational benchmark to develop creativity: look at what others are doing in terms of creating visuals, writing content, publication themes or even the subjects covered. 

Complete your ideas with new products and inspiring proposals. 

Now that you have your ideas, it’s time to create! 

4. Create your posts 

Onward to creating your content for social networks. This step is the hard core of your entire editorial strategy. 

Creation is actually the most important step (and very crucial, make or break). This is why you need to make sure you provide quality content . 

Quality must obviously apply to the visual, but also to the text content of your publication.

For this, we give you some advice: 

  • Propose an attractive visual : humorous, quirky, beautiful, colorful, in short, be creative. 
  • Use a tone close to your community to develop proximity with your community. 
  • Be authentic by providing concreteness and truth so that your audience can more easily identify with you. 

Subtly promote your brand.

Create entertaining or informative content (or both).

Get out of your comfort zone, your community will appreciate it. A little advice from the team: Don’t forget that behind the screen, your target who stops on your page, on your post, must be seduced! So be interesting before you are interested. 

5. Prepare a publishing schedule

The publication schedule? What is this ?

Publishing at the right time, captivating, engaging the community cannot be improvised. The important thing is to plan your publications to give you long-term visibility of your communication. 

And this is where the famous publication calendar comes into play, an essential tool for any communication strategy. 

The calendar allows you to have an overview, to be able to communicate the right message at the right time and to anticipate your communication actions. 

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